Anti-Money Laundering Agreement

1. Introduction
1.1 We promise to prudently abide by the laws and regulations related to knowing your customers and anti-money laundering and shall not intentionally violate the knowing your customers and anti-money laundering policies. Within the scope of our reasonable control, our financially necessary measures and technologies provide you with safe services, as far as possible to protect you from the loss caused by the money laundering behavior of the criminal suspect

1.2 Our know-your-customer and anti-money laundering policy is a comprehensive international policy system, including know-your-customer and anti-money laundering policies in different legal jurisdictions to which you belong. Our sound compliance framework ensures that we meet regulatory requirements and regulatory standards at both the local and global levels, and ensure the continuous operation of this website

2. Know your customers and anti-money laundering policies are as follows:
2.1 Promulgate know-your-customer and anti-money laundering policies and update them from time to time to meet the standards set by corresponding laws and regulations

2.2 Promulgate and update some guidelines and rules for operating this website, and our employees will provide full service in accordance with the guidelines and rules

2.3 Design and complete procedures for internal monitoring and control of transactions, such as verifying identity by strict means, and arranging a professional team to be responsible for anti-money laundering work

2.4 Adopt risk prevention methods to conduct due diligence and continuous supervision on customers

2.5 Review and regular inspection of transactions that have occurred

2.6 Report suspicious transactions to the competent authority

2.7 The identification documents, address certification documents and transaction records will be maintained for at least six years. If they are submitted to the supervisory authority, you will not be notified otherwise

2.8 During the entire transaction, the use of credit cards is prohibited

2.9 Participate regularly in training organized by relevant authorities and train employees regularly

3. Identity Information and Verification Confirmation
3.1 Identity information

3.1.1 According to the different regulations of different jurisdictions and different entity types, the content of your information we collect may be inconsistent. In principle, the following information will be collected from registered individuals:

Basic personal information: his/her name, residential address (and permanent address, if different), date of birth, nationality and other information available. Identity verification should be based on documents issued by the official or other similar authority, such as passports, ID cards or other identity documents required and triggered by different jurisdictions. The address you provide will be verified using appropriate methods, such as checking passenger transportation tickets or interest rate tickets or checking the voter register

Valid photo: Before you register, you must provide a photo of your ID on your chest

Contact: phone/mobile number and valid email address

3.1.2 If you are a company or other legal entity, we will collect the following information to determine the ultimate beneficiary of you or the trust account

Company registration and registration certificate; a copy of the company’s articles of association and memorandum; detailed certification materials of the company’s equity structure and ownership description, certifying the decision of the opening of this website account and the execution of the board of directors’ resolutions of the authorized client; the company’s directors as required , Major shareholders and the identity documents of the person who has the right to sign the account on this website; the company’s main business address, if it is different from the company’s mailing address, provide the mailing address. If the company’s local address is inconsistent with its main business address, it will be regarded as a higher-risk customer and additional documents need to be submitted

According to different regulations in different jurisdictions and different entity types, other certifications and documents issued by authoritative departments required by us, and documents we deem necessary

3.1.3 We only accept the English version and Chinese version of the identity information. If not, please translate your identity information into the English version and notarize it

3.2 Confirmation and verification

3.2.1 We ask you to provide both sides of your identity document

3.2.2 We ask you to provide a photo of your identity document on your chest

3.2.3 The copy of the certification document should generally be checked against the original certificate. However, if a reliable and suitable certifier can certify that the copy of the document is an accurate and complete reproduction of the original document, the copy is acceptable. Such certifiers include ambassadors, judicial commissioners, local sheriffs, etc.

3.2.4 The requirements for identifying the ultimate beneficiaries and account control rights are to determine which individuals ultimately own or control the direct customers, and/or determine that the ongoing transactions are executed by others. If it is a business, the identities of major shareholders (such as those holding 10% or more of the voting rights) should be verified. Generally, holding 25% of the shares will be considered within normal risks, and the shareholder identity must be verified; when holding 10% of the shares or owning more voting rights or stocks, it is considered high-risk situations, and the shareholder identity must be verified

4. Monitor transactions
4.1 We set and adjust daily transaction and withdrawal maximum limits from time to time based on security and actual transaction conditions

4.2 If transactions occur frequently and concentratedly on a certain registered you or are beyond reasonable circumstances, our professional team will evaluate and determine whether they are suspicious

4.3 If we identify a suspicious transaction based on our own judgment, we may suspend the transaction, reject the transaction and other restrictive measures, or even reverse the transaction as soon as possible if possible, and report to the competent authority at the same time, but will not notify you

4.4 We reserve the right to reject boarding applications from people who do not meet international anti-money laundering standards or who can be regarded as politically public figures. We reserve to suspend or terminate transactions that are suspicious according to our own judgment at any time, but we do so Does not violate any obligations and responsibilities to you

BTG-pro team